Hurry on over to Lowe’s where you can score 75% off select Christmas & Holiday Decor both in-store and online!
Availability and prices may vary by location. On some items, you may be able to order them online and select in-store pickup!
Tips: Before making a special trip to your local Lowe’s store, click on the item #’s listed below, and enter your zip code to check stock and price of this item at your local store. Note that Brickseek is NOT always accurate with stock and pricing.
Deal 1: Disney Star Wars Tie Fighter LED Night Light
As low as $3.77 (regularly $15.08)
Item # 001376318
Deal 2: Framed 16-in H x 30-in W Inspirational Wood Prints
As low as $10 (regularly $39.98)
Item # 1001364488
Deal 3: GE String-A-Long 6-ft x 4-ft Constant White Incandescent Mini Plug-In Christmas Net Lights
As low as $3.75 (regularly $14.98)
Item # 1001167812
Deal 4: TWELVE25 Multiple Colors/Finishes Ornaments
As low as $1.25 (regularly $4.98)
Item # 1001166486
Deal 5: Holiday Living Multiple Colors/Finishes Ornament
Only $1.75 (regularly $6.98)
Item # 1001166180